Many homeowners wonder if it’s worth it to invest in WiFi or Smart Thermostats and which is the best option. Both options are actually quite beneficial and will save you money on your utility bills. These thermostats are especially convenient to have installed at home because they grant you remote access to the temperature control settings at home since they are connected to your home WiFi system. You can conveniently use a smart app on your WiFi-connected devices such as your phone, tablet, or iPad and make any adjustments as needed to save money with your energy use at home.
WiFi and Smart Thermostats from JES Heating & Cooling Inc.
WiFi thermostats are very user-friendly and you can adjust your HVAC system as needed no matter where you happen to be, so long as you have an internet connection. These devices are especially convenient for people who commonly adjust their temperature settings and don’t like to deal with complicated options. Smart thermostats are a little bit difficult to navigate when you get started, so you have to learn about the different features. You have very advanced options such as geofencing, learning mode, analysis of your energy usage, and updates about when to change your air filters or acquire HVAC maintenance. Learning mode is convenient since you never have to program your smart thermostat, it will learn your preferred settings and schedule based on your settings. Geofencing is a nice feature as it will put your HVAC in energy-saving mode or turn it off when there is nobody home. The smart thermostat can also work with smart appliances such as smart curtains or sensors in your home.
Temperature Control for Your Smart Home
If you want to learn more about WiFi & Smart Thermostats in New Windsor, Blooming Grove, Cornwall, Newburgh, and Washingtonville, NY, make sure to give the professionals at JES Heating & Cooling Inc. a call! You can reach us at 914-325-8848 or 914-572-8070 and we’ll be happy to give you a free consultation! We’ll help you determine which type of thermostat is best for you and we’ll teach you about some of the more advanced features of smart thermostats. Remember that your comfort is our priority and we look forward to working with you!